A Knock at My Heart

A lot of people have a list of experiences that they would like to do or certain accomplishments that they aspire in their lifetime. This is often referred to as a bucket list. I have one.  A bucket list. I don’t keep it in a guarded journal.  I just keep it in the back of my mind.  I guess my list is of doing something at least once that I have never done before. One of those is that I have always wanted to write a book. Well I am happy to tell you that I did. Picking a subject for my book came easy. It was about a lesson I learned from my grandmother, who I loved dearly. She had taught me when I was a little girl that if I had an urge or desire to say something, or to do something for someone,  I should act on it. “Susie”, she would say, “These thoughts come from your angel, who is knocking at my heart” and that I should go forth with these thoughts. 
I titled my book “A Knock at My Heart,”  and it reads of the adventures of my five children as they grew up. Sometime the stories are funny and sometimes not so funny, but I wrote about all of them. 

I tell you this in my blog today because I still believe it and feel that each of us should go forth with the messages that knock on our hearts. Tell people you like their hairdo, their outfit is pretty, they’re a good cook,  a good athlete, or a great parent. Don’t hold back, feeling uncomfortable to speak up, because things that you have an urge to say, and sometimes ignore, could have a profound and lasting impact on a person. 

I want to share a story that I recently was sent through a text from a lady who I have not met yet but hope to. Her son plays lacrosse at Alfred University in New York . She  contacted me by text to share a story that is at least 10 years old, but it was important to her to tell me. A Knock on her Heart! I believe. She said that when she and her husband were in Philadelphia, PA attending a NCAA lacrosse event,  they were having a drink in a hotel bar and enjoying conversation with other patrons in the restaurant. When they later went up to their hotel room, this lady said to her husband, “That was a nice guy we were talking to. Did you know him?” Her husband answered quickly , “That was Mike Powell.” At that point, her young son who overheard, exploded with thrills and excitement. Mike was a player that her son had looked up to. The  next day, the lady said they again saw Mike in the lobby.  At that time Mike introduced himself to the young boy and gave him words of encouragement and hoped that he would go on to play and enjoy the game of lacrosse for many years. The lady said that she and her son would never forget that day and that conversation with Mike.  My point is that  Mike acted on his urge and went forth with his desire to say something to a young player, and now after all these years, that mom wanted to talk about this and share it with me. This proves to me that what we say to people can mean so much and last for so long.  I also believe that someday this same young player, who is now in college, will get an urge to say something encouraging to a younger player. 

We should all keep in mind and remember that if we feel a knock at our heart to say something, or to help someone, or to support someone. Don’t be be afraid to do  it. Don’t feel uncomfortable. Don’t hold back. Listen to the message that your angel, who is knocking at your heart, is sending you, and act on it. Go forth with it because you will never know how much good that message will do, especially for a person who maybe is having a time of great struggle or hardship, or a serious sickness or severe injury. I know for sure that they will remember your kindness. 

Thank you Kelly Kimiecik for allowing me to share your story. Listen for the knocks on your heart and go forth.

Love, Sue

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